Automate FTP, HTTP and data scraping

I turn websites into a database you can query.

Websites have tons of useful data and I can make it easy for you to download and query. I write tools for you to extract the useful data and store it in a database table or flat file which you can then query or import!
  • Data files can be downloaded via http, https, ftp, sftp and ftps
  • Convert webpage data to Excel, CSV, JSON, XML or custom file format
  • Subscription data and password protected data can be scraped or downloaded
  • Import webpage data into your database tables
  • Jobs can be scheduled to run using Task Scheduler, Autosys, Tidal, ActiveBatch, Control-M, etc.
  • No monthly fees
  • Data transforms

If the data exists, it's possible to get it.

You get the source and finished application.

Contact me for a free consultation now.